[XeTeX] CJK & fontspec

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 14:49:12 CET 2008


Could people who actually do CJK typesetting let me know what features  
they do and do not use in fontspec?

Also, there was a report a while back that the Vertical=RotatedGlyphs  
feature (terrible name, in hindsight) is broken. Is this actually the  
case? A note to myself in the fontspec source from August last year  
claims that I fixed the problem, but I'm a bit confused. It also  
applies the +vrt2 font feature...is this the right thing to do?

For fonts that support the older way of doing vertical typesetting  
(+vert and so on, I believe), should I be detecting them and applying  
a different set of features? This is all doable stuff, but I'm pretty  
out of the loop with all of the CJK development.


P.S. Should I change the Vertical feature to simply not take an  
argument? This won't break backwards compatibility. But it does  
preclude adding new features in there later...like, I don't know,  
different stuff for Mongolian (or is it Tibetan?) that reads bottom-to- 
top right-to-left or something. (Uh, don't anyone take offence at my  
ignorance. It's past midnight and I'm hammering this out right before  
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