[XeTeX] polyglossia becoming reality...

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Thu Jan 10 10:47:09 CET 2008

Bonjour Yves,

>> Currently. if you select the greek language, then \greekfont will be
>> selected ONLY if it has been previously defined, otherwise the current
>> font is kept with \addfontfeature{Script=Greek,Language=Greek}.
> Previously defined where? In the preamble or in some configuration  
> file belonging to "polyglossia"?
In the preamble. See also my (forthcoming) reply to your next message!

> Please don't forget about Sanskrit; it only requires a mechanism to  
> select font and hyphenation, unless somebody intends to write a book  
> entirely in Sanskrit :)
Oh, you just reminded me of the existence of 
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/hyphenation/sanhyph/ !
I'll add that on my TODO list ;)

BTW has anyone worked on or knows about Unicode hyphenation patterns for 
other Indic languages?


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