[XeTeX] polyglossia becoming reality...

François Charette fcharette at ankabut.net
Wed Jan 9 12:04:59 CET 2008

Yves Codet a écrit :
> I get these errors:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \french at punctuation ...kenstate =1\XeTeXcharclass
>                                                    `\! 7 
> \XeTeXcharclass `\? 7...
> l.9 \begin{document}
> ? (./essai.aux)
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \french at punctuation ... \XeTeXinterchartokenstate
>                                                    =1\XeTeXcharclass ` 
> \! 7\Xe...
> l.9 \begin{document}
> I have an unmodified installation of TeX Live 2007 on Mac OS X 10.4.
That's the problem. The primitives \XeTeXcharclass and 
\XeTeXinterchartoks were introduced in xetex after the release of 
TeXLive 2007. You thus need version 0.997 (from svn) to use polyglossia 
with French or Turkish ;)  I intend to have a stable release of 
polyglossia in time for TeXLive 2008, and I assume that the final 
release of 0.997 will be part of it, so that should no longer be a 
problem then.

> You could perhaps use \mainlanguage and \secondarylanguage.
Or perhaps
\loadotherlanguages{<lang1>,<lang2>, …} % without options
\setupotherlanguage[<options>]{<lang1>} % with options
> Another thing I’m not sure I understood. If I say \begin{greek} is  
> the font defined by \newfontfamily\greekfont{...} used or must I add  
> \greekfont? It would be handy to have a mechanism allowing to select  
> a certain font and certain hyphenation patterns at the same time.
Currently. if you select the greek language, then \greekfont will be 
selected ONLY if it has been previously defined, otherwise the current 
font is kept with \addfontfeature{Script=Greek,Language=Greek}.

> I suppose some other users would need to be able to select ancient  
> Greek and Sanskrit hyphenation patterns, together with a  
> corresponding font. This is for your TODO list :)
The version of gloss-greek.ldf you tested is not yet optimal. The next 
one will have options to choose between monotonic, polytonic and ancient 
hyphenation patterns, among other things.


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