[XeTeX] PGF and XeTeX

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue Jan 8 13:55:16 CET 2008

On 8 Jan 2008, at 7:31 am, Florian Grammel wrote:

> Using
> xelatex -output-driver=xdvipdfmx FILENAME
> (or changing the xelatex-engine file for TeXShop respectively) does
> the trick.
> The up-to-date version 1.18 of pgf is supposed to choose the driver
> automatically
>> Change log:
>>         Version 1.18:
> ...
>>         - Added automatic driver selection for xetex
> , but that doesn't work for me here.

I think this is a misunderstanding due to the ambiguous use of  
"driver". There is no way for the macro package to control which dvi-  
(or xdv-)to-pdf driver (i.e., executable program) will be used to  
process the output of the (xe)tex run, which is what the -output- 
driver option to xe(la)tex is doing.

The other kind of "driver" is a part of the macro package that deals  
with generating the right \special commands or pdftex primitives or  
whatever for a particular output path. That's what PGF now handles  


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