[XeTeX] PGF and XeTeX

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Jan 8 13:48:09 CET 2008

Am 08.01.2008 um 08:31 schrieb Florian Grammel:

> , but that doesn't work for me here. If you are experiencing the same
> problem, we should try and report it as a bug.

That's right. It is, at least most often, needed to add in the preamble:


The driver file is not contained in gwTeX. A TeX Live 2007 release  
(including MacTeX?) has it. By copying it from TeX Live to gwTeX the  
issue of the missing driver file can be fixed.

A pgfsys-xetex.def driver file never existed, since xdv2pdf is Mac  
specific and does not provide the necessary means. So xdvipdfmx is  
left, which works in dvipdfm "mode."

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


$ sumascii BILL GATES
   B   I   L   L   G   A   T   E   S
  66+ 73+ 76+ 76+ 71+ 65+ 84+ 69+ 83 = 663

  and add 3 because he's Bill Gates the third.

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