[XeTeX] PDF files only sporadically included

Dominic Yu gobbledegook at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 08:37:16 CET 2008

Dear all,

I am at my wit's end and was hoping someone out there could help...

I've found that some of my pdf's get included properly, but others
look like they going to be (while xdvipdfmx is doing its thing), but
then there's a huge blank space where the image is supposed to be.
It's the right size, it's just completely blank.

In other words, "good.pdf" gets included, but "bad.pdf" gives a blank
space. The two files are not really that different from each other...
they're both the same pdf version (1.3), and both Apple Preview and
Acrobat display them, no problem.

Is there any reason why some pdf files are better for inclusion than others?

I think the problem is in the pdf file, but here's my test latex code anyway:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\setmainfont{Times Roman}

\XeTeXpdffile "pdf/1234.pdf" width \textwidth

hello again


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