[XeTeX] Incompatibility between footmisc and xltxtra

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 12:43:16 CET 2008

On 19/02/2008, at 7:27 PM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> There's a problem with \realsuperscript in the above code (apart from
> some \makeatletter \makeatother trickery to be fixed): I guess it
> applies to the current SVN version of xltxtra, not the TeXLive-2007
> version.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

> but because of the many code changes reported here for XeTeX,
> xdvipdfmx and the packages written (like fontspec) or modified (like
> pdfpages) for them: there have been so many changes, I stopped trying
> to keep track of them.

I admit to not keeping up with it all, either. With xdvipdfmx the  
default in the upcoming v0.997, I think things will start to stabilise  

> - Do the SVN sources include up-to-date versions of all the LaTeX
> packages written or modified for XeTeX and xdvipdfmx? If not, and the
> packages need to be obtained from CTAN, I think I'll pass.

The SVN repository does contain all of the XeLaTeX packages. In fact,  
I use the SVN repository directly for my XeLaTeX development, so it's  
often ahead of the versions I upload to CTAN.

XeTeX itself compiles fine for me on a standard Leopard installation  
with the developer tools. I still have trouble compiling xdvipdfmx but  
I find that has never been a problem. (All of the helpful replies the  
other month were unfortunately not enough for me, but I realised I  
didn't need a new version of xdvipdfmx to fix my issue at the time.)

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