[XeTeX] [unimath] Re: Should xelatex have its own kernel? (was: "Conflict between xunicode and fontspec?")

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 06:42:33 CET 2008

On 08/02/2008, at 4:00 PM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Accordingly, I just got Office 2008 for the Mac, hoping that these
> capabilities would be implemented in it as well. Alas they don't seem
> to be there, and the Mac version seems to still entirely rely on
> Equation Editor. Did I miss something?

WHAT?!?! No, you didn't miss anything:

I can't believe this. I thought they pretended to have broad feature  
equivalence between Mac and Windows. The compatibility nightmare that  
this could cause some people...

Well, obviously there wasn't enough time for them to implement this  
new feature. I mean, they did have the Intel compatibility thing to  
worry about. And it's not like maths typesetting is a feature that the  
majority of people will miss. But still.

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