[XeTeX] Opticals and math fonts

Barry Schwartz chemoelectric at chemoelectric.org
Tue Oct 30 20:06:32 CET 2007

Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org> skribis:
> On 30 Oct 2007, at 6:20 pm, Barry Schwartz wrote:
> > Enrico Rossi <enrico.a.rossi at gmail.com> skribis:
> >> 1. Are XeTeX and fontspec sufficiently clever to automatically pick
> >> out the correct optical font from a family? It doesn't seem that way,
> >> but it's hard to tell.
> >
> > In my experience fontconfig itself is too stupid to pick out the
> > correct font from opticals--for instance, ask for Brioso Pro Regular
> > and you get instead Brioso Pro Caption--so that could be a limitation
> > on XeTeX's abilities, at least on Unix-like platforms. I think it is
> > due to a design error (not a coding error as such) in fontconfig.
> In theory, at least, XeTeX should be able to do this; it doesn't rely  
> on fontconfig to "pick out the correct font", it just needs  
> fontconfig to tell it all the fonts that are available, and then  
> makes the choice itself.

Excellent. Fontconfig works extremely well at cacheing fonts; it's
only the pattern matcher that seems to have problems.

Barry SCHWARTZ   /   Barijo ŜVARCO
chemoelectric ĉe chemoelectric punkto org  http://chemoelectric.org
             Free stuff / Senpagaj varoj:  http://crudfactory.com

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