[XeTeX] Drawing package for XeTeX in plain TeX?

John Was john.was at ntlworld.com
Tue May 22 11:26:21 CEST 2007

Many thanks - I'll do that.  Where does one get all these instructions?  I 
found a short (but useful) bit of XeTeX documentation on the TexLive 
installation, but haven't found a full 'XeTeX Manual' anywhere.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Akira Kakuto" <kakuto at fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp>
To: <xetex at tug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:43 AM
Subject: JunkEmail: Re: [XeTeX] Drawing package for XeTeX in plain TeX?

>> As far as I can see from the terminal output, the font cache command went
>> through the textmf-dist directories but didn't go near the fonts 
>> installed
>> in Windows (or anywhere else on my computer), so it's not surprising that
>> it's having trouble with them!
> Please go to the directory .../bin/win32/conf/
> and edit the file fonts.conf:
> line 16 of fonts.conf is
> <dir>c:/windows/fonts</dir>
> Please rewrite this line as
> <dir>YourDriveLetter:/YourSystemFontDir</dir>
> and run fc-cache -v once more.
> -- 
> Akira Kakuto
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