[XeTeX] ICU and vertical layout support

Jjgod Jiang gzjjgod at gmail.com
Sun May 13 20:34:11 CEST 2007


I wondering what's the best way to handle a font with 'vert' feature
of a specific script, say FangSong_GB2312 distributed with

$ otfinfo --script=hani -f /Users/jjgod/Library/Fonts/simfang.ttf
vert    Vertical Writing

$ otfinfo -t /Users/jjgod/Library/Fonts/simfang.ttf
1609927 EBDT
    736 EBLC
    252 GSUB
     86 OS/2
  38968 cmap
     22 cvt
     82 fpgm
2299650 glyf
     54 head
     36 hhea
  15358 hmtx
  30324 loca
     32 maxp
   1021 name
     32 post
      8 prep

But ATSFontGetTable(.., gsubTableTag, ..) failed. So in
LayoutEngineFactory() of XeTeXOTLayoutEngine.cpp,
XeTeXHanLayoutEngine is not used for vertical layout,
whichi results very bad output for:


Is there any solution to workaround this?

- jjgod.

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