[XeTeX] Problem with path to XeTeX in Kile

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed May 9 11:16:35 CEST 2007

On 9 May 2007, at 9:17 am, Dennis Drescher wrote:

> I have updated my Ubuntu system to Feisty. TeX Live 2007 is great! It
> was the simplest installation of TeX to date. I am so glad XeTeX was
> included in that distribution.
> XeTeX works fine from the terminal. However, I am having some problems
> with Kile.
> My system path (in Ubuntu) for XeTeX is set to:
> /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux

Where is this set?

> However, for some reason, Kile doesn't seem to work with my system  
> path.
> It complains and says:
> /bin/bash: xetex: command not found
> Yet, I can run xetex any where from the terminal.

(Which confirms that when Kile calls tools, it isn't getting the same  
shell environment that you have in the terminal.)

> If I put the full path (as above) in Kile it will find xetex with no
> problem but then it fails to find xdvipdfmx.

That makes sense, because xetex tries to execute xdvipdfmx but this  
requires it to be in the path at the time!

> Does anyone have any idea
> why Kile can't seem to use the system path? Thanks.

Perhaps Kile doesn't read your personal .profile or whatever startup  
file you're using to configure your path. If so, you might need to  
set the path more globally in something like /etc/profile (unless  
Kile itself has a place to set it, but I'm not aware of that -- it's  
always "just worked" for me).


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