[XeTeX] fontspec & memoir incompatibility

Talal Al-Azem talazem at gmx.net
Mon Feb 26 16:00:28 CET 2007

Sure, here's a part of the text that was problematic with me...thank  
you in advance:




\title{Certifying Knowledge}
\author{Talal Al-Azem}


In The Rise of Colleges and The Rise of Humanism, George Makdisi  
argues that the madhhab of Islamic law was functionally a  
professional guild, and the highest form of accomplishment within it  
was to receive the doctorate license issued by the master- 
jurisconsult, the ijāzat al-iftāʾ wa’l-tadrīs\footcite 
{Berkey1992a}. This license permitted the new scholar to issue legal  
opinions and teach law according to the madhhab-rite which he studied  
at the hands of the master-jurisconsult. Makdisi argues that these  
guilds professionalized the teaching of law through the scholastic  
method developed by the madhhabs and their law schools. On the  
madhhab as a guild, and its role in the professionalization of the  
teaching of law \footcite{Lowry2004}; on historic role of the madhhab  
and its corollary institution the madrasa as a compromise between the  
rationalism of dogmatic theologians, and the fideism of the hadith  
scholars \footcite{Lowry2004}.



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