[XeTeX] from teTeX-3.0 to TeXLive 2007

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Aug 20 11:28:59 CEST 2007

Le 20 août 07 à 02:33, Will Robertson a écrit :

> On 8/20/07, Cyril Niklaus <cyril.niklaus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't know if it escaped your notice but the log has this to say:
>> ## xdv2pdf: use of uninstalled fonts (specified by filename) such as
>> ##   [/usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/lm/
>> lmroman10-regular.otf]
>> ## is not supported; try using the xdvipdfmx driver instead.
>> It is a fontspec issue, isn't it? Since the document does not specify
>> by name any fonts, the substitution font gets called, but doesn't
>> work with xdv2pdf.
> Yes, it is foolish to use the OT1 encoded Computer Modern fonts with
> XeTeX. So fontspec loads the Latin Modern fonts instead. Since the
> next released version of XeTeX will use xdvipdfmx as the default
> driver on Mac OS X, this will be less of an obvious problem in the
> future. (And you can always use [cm-default] if you just have to use
> the obsolete fonts for exact backwards compatibility in some bizarre
> circumstance.)

Yes, but then why is there a problem?

I mean, my setup is the standard one on the Mac, the Latin Modern  
fonts are there at the appropriate place /usr/local/texlive/2007/ 
texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/ for use of OpenType fonts by TeX and  
friends, and for good measure they are also installed at the  
appropriate place /Library/Fonts/ for use of OpenType fonts by GUI OS  
X applications.

Then, if Latin Modern is indeed fontspec's default choice of fonts  
when none are specified by the user -- and the [cm-default] option  
isn't used --, why aren't fontspec and/or xdv2pdf set up to find them  
by default? I have no idea who's culprit here, but isn't a default  
setting supposed to work out-of-the-box? And to me the following:

Anne{}-Marie Anne-Marie

seems as close to use of default settings only as could be.


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