[XeTeX] tabular getting flattened into one line
cyril.niklaus at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 02:49:07 CEST 2006
On 20 sept. 06, at 04:49, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> It looks to me like the default line spacing (baselineskip) is
> getting set very small for some reason; then the highly negative
> \lineskiplimit allows text in adjacent lines to overlap, rather than
> the line spacing expanding according to the size of the glyphs.
Commenting \lineskiplimit out gives a normal output. Leaving it in
and adding
\setlength{\baselineskip}{24pt} or \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2}
a bit blindly in the document (inside and outside of the tabular
environment, I saw no harm in trying…) does not change anything though.
> But why the line spacing is tiny (or zero?) to start with is a
> puzzle. I think we'd need to see a more complete minimal example to
> solve that.
here is one, with the log too. Should I compile it with special options?
Is it possible that i've changed somehow some default on my machine
and that causes line spacing to go awry? Not being a specialist at
all, I do not play around with config files, so I do not think that
is a possibility, but still, I do not understand why a simple
tabular cannot be rendered properly. Obviously \lineskiplimit is
interfering with tabular, it is OK up to -22pt, but lines collide at
\setromanfont{Hoefler Text}
%to remove the underfullbox comment
\textbf{ Flat Tab }
French & English\\
German & Dutch\\
I've tried getting it as simple as possible and did a test run with
LaTeX, with no success either.
French & English\\
German & Dutch\\
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.994a (Web2C 7.5.3)
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LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
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Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
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Output written on Untitled-2.pdf (1 page).
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