[XeTeX] Fonts for (Xe)TeX use

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Oct 9 13:27:56 CEST 2006

Le 9 oct. 06 à 13:07, Bruno Voisin a écrit :

> then you should instead add the content of "/Applications/Adobe  
> Reader 7.0.8/Adobe Reader 7.0.8.app/Contents/MacOS/Resource/Font"  
> to the library.

> Similarly, create, in Font Book, a new library, Wolfram say, and  
> add to it the content of "/Applications/Mathematica 5.2.app/ 
> SystemFiles/Fonts/TrueType/".

Something I had forgotten: OS X won't normally let you select these  
directories, which are normally hidden. (By default, one can't get  
inside a .app application bundle).

To overcome this, when presented with the file selection dialog, type  
in a slash "/" and you'll obtain a new sheet in which you can paste  
the folder path.

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Another way would be to make OS X permanently reveal all hidden  
folders and files by typing in Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true

then logging off and back in. But that would probably be going to too  
much trouble (and possibly disrupt the functioning of the system or  
of some applications) for just a font issue.

Bruno Voisin

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