[XeTeX] xdv2pdf psfonts.map

Likai Liu liulk at cs.bu.edu
Thu May 18 17:00:37 CEST 2006

Hi all,

It looks like I found out why xdv2pdf cannot find psfonts.map on some 
systems, even though kpsewhich clearly shows its presence. In 
xdv2pdf_main.c, the path that xdv2pdf uses to look for .map files (for 
format "dvips config") is defined by the TEXCONFIG variable in 
texmf.cnf. However, on some systems (like Fink teTeX), TEXCONFIG only 
looks under $TEXMF/dvips//, but psfonts.map are generated under 
$TEXMF/fonts/map/dvips// (or $VARTEXFONTS/map/dvips// more 

Simply adding the second path to TEXCONFIG works, but I think xdv2pdf 
should be using TEXFONTMAPS variable instead.


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