[XeTeX] Installing XeTeX on Kubuntu Edgy with texlive packages

Felix Huang gzfelix at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 16:38:45 CET 2006


"R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar" <chandra at ee.uwa.edu.au> writes:

> Folks,
> I would like to re-package xdvipdfmx and xetex as Ubuntu/Debian packages for
> Edgy Eft for an installation in which texlive* packages have been installed 
> instead of tetex*.
> Using what I have gathered from this list and elsewhere, I have done the following:
> 1. Installed the following packages:
> autotools-dev fakeroot dh-make build-essential flex bison libfontconfig1-dev 
> libmagick9-dev libpng12-dev texlive-full

AFAIK, libmagick9-dev is not needed but libpng-dev is needed for

> 7. sudo update-texmf
> 8. cd <path-to>/xdvipdfmx-0.3; cd ../
> So my questions are:
> 1. In the debian/control files, what do I need to modify for this (and possibly 
> other) dependencies?
> xetex:
> Depends: tetex-base, tetex-bin, xdvipdfmx, ${shlibs:Depends}

I tried on my own system with:
Depends: tetex-base | texlive-base, tetex-bin | texlive-base-bin,
xdvipdfmx, ${shlibs:Depends}

And, xdvipdfmx conflicts with dvipdfmx, because they try to install CMap
files to the same directory. However, both of them are needed and they
ought to be coexist. dvipdfmx is used for TTF embedded output of dvi,
and xdvipdfmx is for xdv. Thus this conflict has to be resolved.

> 2. Do I need to do do anything other than what I have listed above in order to 
> compile successfully?
> Thanks for reading patiently and for your help.

Thank you for your job. :) I can't wait to install xetex from a
repository on my edgy.

> Chandra
> 21 Dec 06




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