[XeTeX] transliterated sanskrit/hindi
Yves Codet
ycodet at club-internet.fr
Tue Aug 29 18:57:02 CEST 2006
Hello Alexander.
Le 29 août 06 à 16:58, Alexander Giebler a écrit :
> With XeTeX I will generate a transliterated sanskrit document -which
> is similar to hindi. has anybody experiences in doing this? by the
> way: normaly i generate my transliterated documents with the sanskrit
> package with MikTeX on a windows platform. now i had to do this on a
> macbook with mac os tiger - on windows i had to run first the
> preprocessor skt.c over the document to generate the tex-file but
> this does´nt work on the mac Terminal. What do I wrong?
With MikTeX a precompiled version of the preprocessor is installed
(in a directory named Commands or something like that), precompiled
because Windows doesn't include any C compiler. You can't run skt.c
itself on a Mac (nor on any platform) because it's source code; you
have to compile it, executing:
gcc -o skt skt.c
Then you must put the binary skt in a directory where the system can
find it. But first you have to install Developper Tools, since gcc
isn't included in the standard installation.
This would be for standard TeX; with XeTeX you don't need Wikner's
package. Just input Unicode characters directly, like this:
āsīd rājā Nalo nāma
You only need to use a suitable font. Lucida Grande can do, but some
diacritics are not correctly placed (besides it has no italics). The
best font I know of, for transliterated Sanskrit and other languages
of course, is Charis SIL:
Once you have downloaded Charis you might want to try and compile the
following sample:
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to check your installation and see how it works (and if you notice
mistakes please let me' know :).
Best wishes,
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