[XeTeX] Re: Unicode line separator

Mike Leonard mikeleonard at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 01:33:30 CET 2005

 > You should provide a code-snippet that didn't work, along with
 > anything suggestive from the .log output.

Here you go:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed justo. Praesent leo leo, placerat 
sed, varius non, pellentesque id, ligula. Vivamus quis ante. Praesent 
iaculis lorem id sem.

I couldn't find anything helpful in the log.

The line break in the first line was entered using the Unicode Hex 
Input keyboard layout (by holding option and typing 2028).

What I wanted to do was just to use proper Unicode line separators 
wherever they would be appropriate (lines in addresses, poetry, etc.), 
instead of \\. It makes more sense to me to use this for line endings 
and I half expected it to "just work" in the same way that accented 
characters do.


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