[XeTeX] access to composite characters

Malte Rosenau xetex_malte at web.de
Wed Nov 2 11:30:15 CET 2005

Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X <xetex at tug.org> schrieb am 02.11.05 09:23:16:

> >>> what's the best way to typeset latin unicode characters like ?  
> >>> with XeTeX? The OTF font I'm currently using does not contain the  
> >>> glyph, so how can I fake it? Is there a recommended way to  
> >>> declare unicode characters similiarly to the definitions for  
> >>> composite characters in t1enc.def???
> >>
> >> Hi Malte,
> >>
> >> The character you're after didn't turn up in my mail reader :) but  
> >> if you're after fancy accents and so on, then check out Ross  
> >> Moore's xunicode package. I suspect it'll do what you want.
> >>
> >> Sorry my information is a little brief...
> >>
> >
> > If his font does not contain the actual glyph, is this really doing  
> > to help? Loading xunicode will not get xelatex to render  
> > "ṭḥīṣ" since those glyphs are missing in the default font.
> Right. To give suggestions with more confidence, it would be good to  
> know what character is wanted (the original message only showed a  
> question mark, as it was sent in Latin-1 encoding, not Unicode).  
> Malte, can you enlighten us?

Sorry for the confusion, I think it's called SMALL LETTER H WITH DOT BELOW

In T1 font encoding this letter was usually faked (unless it was available
in the font) via \d{h} (and in utf8x.sty mapped to \d{h}). If I understand
xunicode.sty correctly \d{h} points now to an empty unicode slot in my font
which produces this strange boxshaped character in my document. How can I
declare my own composite letter?



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