[XeTeX] BiBdesk / BiBTeX

Bernd mlist at gmx.de
Mon Dec 19 19:27:53 CET 2005

oops, sorry. BibTex of course. BibDesk works fine with paths, why should 
there be a problem? Actually I never really change paths in BibDesk, it 
works out of the box. It's also one of my favourites :-)
BTW, the groups are really the best thing ever!

Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2005, at 01:08, Bernd wrote:
>> bibdesk finding the path:
>> I gave up on that, it seems to be broken under OS X (or I'm too 
>> stupid) but I'm using the 
>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/bibtex/bib/ fodler and created a 
>> new folder for custom made bibliographies.
> Can you clarify whether you're talking about "BibTeX" or "BibDesk"?  I'm 
> one of the developers of BibDesk, and I'm pretty sure it's not broken 
> under OS X.
> thanks,
> Adam
>> Now I  can use one bib for more than one document without having it 
>> always in the same folder. You might need to chmod your folder and run 
>> sudo texhash to make it available though.
>> Fonts: make sure you're using the proper fonts, this cost me one 
>> afternoon to figure out why my bibliography never looked right.
>> Hope that helps, Bernd.
>> Martin Henning wrote:
>>> On Dec 18, 2005, at 11:17 PM, musa furber wrote:
>>>> %%% begin previewtemplate.tex
>>>> \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}
>>>> %%% The next four lines are for XeTeX; we use Lucida Grande for the 
>>>> default (Roman) font, and Gill Sans for
>>>> %%% the sans-serif font.  Lucida Grande is a good choice if you need 
>>>> a wide variety of characters.
>>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>>>> \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
>>>> \setromanfont{Lucida Grande}
>>>> \setsansfont[Scale=0.94]{Gill Sans}
>>>> %%% The remainder of the file is standard BibDesk stuff, and should 
>>>> be left alone
>>>> \pagestyle{empty}
>>>> \textwidth = 6.5in
>>>> \voffset = -105pt
>>>> \hoffset = -120pt
>>>> \usepackage{natbib}
>>>> %\usepackage{harvard}
>>>> \renewcommand{\refname}{}
>>>> \begin{document}
>>>> \nocite{*}
>>>> \bibliography{<<File>>}
>>>> \bibliographystyle{<<Style>>}
>>>> \end{document}
>>>> %%% end
>>> thank you musa, i will try that asap - what i did first: i copied the 
>>> stuff from the template to my document, which is being processed by 
>>> xelatex anyway... just to get the right commands... so now i'm using 
>>> package natbib, put in style and reference to the .bib-file: doesn't 
>>> work! the output says, that he is looking vor a .bbl-file? never 
>>> heard of bbl-files, though :)
>>> Package natbib Warning: Citation `can_gen_ru' on page 2 undefined on 
>>> input line
>>> 3.
>>> ) [2]
>>> No file pican.bbl.
>>> Package natbib Warning: There were undefined citations.
>>> any suggestions? the path i give in \bibliography is most certainly 
>>> right, since i placed the .bib-file in the same folder. tried path 
>>> with and without file.extension, but it doesn't help. on OS X TeX 
>>> list i read (in archives..) something about setting paths for BiBTeX, 
>>> but it seems to me that this is only for people who want bibtex to 
>>> find stuff automaticallyy without having to type the path name "all 
>>> the time" - yes?
>>> slightly insecure greetings,
>>> --Martin Henning
>>> martin at easy2design.de
>>> http://log.tigerbus.de
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