[XeTeX] New installer (0.87c) posted

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Fri Sep 24 12:46:42 CEST 2004

Hi Bruno,

Sorry it's been such a struggle getting the right thing installed; I'm 
mystified why the package is giving so much trouble.

On 24 Sep 2004, at 11:30 am, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> The resulting PDF file does not display the links properly, but I 
> believe it to be caused by the many customizations and redefinitions 
> I'd done (colored underlined links, and much more), and in any case 
> when I click on these links in Adobe Reader these work perfectly as 
> expected.


Re the display of the links, I assume you must be using customizations 
that my script doesn't know how to support. If you'd care to send me a 
small example file that uses such options, I may be able to get more 
things working eventually.

Thanks for the feedback, and your persistence!


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