[XeTeX] Re: [OS X TeX] Where is XeTeX README?

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sat May 22 16:19:58 CEST 2004

TextEdit would be simpler, I think. The web pages aren't actually 
maintained as HTML; that's getting generated automatically from 
material in a content management system. So don't spend time on 
formatting, either; just the actual text description and the 
appropriate images to go with it is all I'd need.


On 22 May 2004, at 3:04 pm, Adam Maxwell wrote:

> Jonathan,
> On 22 May, 2004, at 05:23, Jonathan Kew wrote:
>> I've added a note about iTeXMac to the FAQ page at 
>> <http://scripts.sil.org/xetex_faq>.
>> If anyone would like to offer a more complete set of configuration 
>> instructions, with screenshots, etc., I'll be happy to consider 
>> adding them as a separate page to the site, similar to the TeXShop 
>> one.
> I can do this.  What sort of format would you like?  I can write it up 
> in Create and export as a web page, or make an RTFD in TextEdit.  Let 
> me know what would be easiest for you.
> -- 
> Adam
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