[XeTeX] pool-size too small

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Jul 28 10:31:10 CEST 2004

Hi Ross,

Sure, I can increase the default size. But that may not really be the  
answer: you should be able to adjust it in your configuration. Try  
something like

	pool_size.xelatex = 1000000

in your texmf.cnf file (assuming you're running the program as  
xelatex). Or change the default pool_size value from 125000 to  
something larger. (Just looking.... I see mine is 1250000 here.... note  
the extra zero!)

Note that the [pool size=66445] value you see doesn't seem to  
correspond directly to the pool_size found in the configuration file.  
That's probably why you assumed you couldn't change it from there. I  
think this is an artifact of the scheme used internally to support  
16-bit strings without having to actually store 64K literal  
one-character strings in the pool. I'll see if I can fix that to be  
less misleading! I believe in your case xetex is using the 125000  
figure from your texmf.cnf, but doesn't report it accurately in the  
overflow message.


On 28 Jul 2004, at 2:23 am, Ross Moore wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> In running a test-document, generating lots of accented characters,
> and diacritics, I hit the pool-size limit:
> doing uppercase accents with \textlangleabove
> ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=66445].
> <argument> \textlangleabove
> The value of  66445  is pretty small for modern requirements.
> something in excess of 100000 is pretty normal these days...
> pool_size  =                    125000
> pool_size.hugetex =            1250000
> (from my texmf.cnf )
> and that 'hugetex' figure (> 1million) is used also by  pdfetex .
> Since we cannot compile xetex for ourselves, it would
> make sense to distribute it with the larger pool-size.
> Would you do that please, in the next (minor) release ?
> Cheers,
> 	Ross
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -
> Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
> Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
> Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850  
> 8955
> Sydney, Australia                                  fax: +61 +2 9850  
> 8114
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