[XeTeX] OS X fonts.

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Jul 23 01:15:05 CEST 2004

Le 23 juil. 04, à 00:07, Alain Schremmer a écrit :

> Of course, if only you could modify your suggestion so that I can use  
> Futura Condensed only for these "units" within a plain-vanilla LaTeX,  
> I mentioned in the above-mentioned response, I would be overjoyed.  
> Somehow, I don't think it is easily done.
> On Jul 22, 2004, at 2:26 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> For your specific need above, and assuming you're planning to use  
>> Futura Condensed Medium as the main text font (i.e., the one  
>> corresponding to \textrm, not \textsf), you may try putting in your  
>> document's preamble:
>> \DeclareFontFamily{U}{FuturaCondensed}{}
>> \DeclareFontShape{U}{FuturaCondensed}{m}{n}%
>>   {<-> "Futura\space Condensed\space Medium"}{}
>> \DeclareFontShape{U}{FuturaCondensed}{bx}{n}%
>>   {<-> "Futura\space Condensed\space ExtraBold"}{}
>> \DeclareFontShape{U}{FuturaCondensed}{b}{n}%
>>   {<-> ssub * FuturaCondensed/bx/n}{}
>> \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{U}
>> \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{FuturaCondensed}

It turns out that's not difficult to do, based on the information in  

- Forget the two above lines:


- Define a new command \unit (assuming there's no pre-existing LaTeX  
command of the same name, I'm not sure) by:


This will be used as \unit{KILOMeter}. In case you prefer a  
declarative-style command, to be used as {\unit KILOMeter}, define  


By the way, you can't get small caps with Futura Condensed, as this  
font simply does not include any small caps form. This may be verified  
by typesetting -- in plain TeX -- the XeTeX sample file AAT-info.tex  
after adding in it the line:

	\def\fontname{Futura Condensed Medium}

Compare, for example, with the result obtained after defining \fontname  
as Hoefler Text.

Bruno Voisin

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