[XeTeX] Re: Is context working in XeTeX?

Charles Doherty charles.doherty at ntlworld.ie
Wed Dec 1 22:54:34 CET 2004

On 1 Dec 2004, at 17:01, Adam Lindsay wrote:

> You (and other users) may need to precede your texexec command with
> "sudo" as well:
>  sudo texexec --make --xtx en
Dear Adam,
I was unable to report back sooner due to teaching but
like Jon Breitenbucher I tried the above but to no effect. My texexec 
is in the same location as his and  my tetex - context installation is 
up-to-date. My texexec.ini file is as follows if this is of any help:

Thanks again,

% == introduction ==
% This is 'texexec.ini', the file used by texexec to determine where
% to find files, what TeX to use, what flags to pass, etc. Although
% TeXexec tries to locate things itself, a little help is sometimes
% needed. One can influence texexec by setting some variables. These
% are only needed when the automatic determined settings fail.
% == interfacing ==
% UsedInterfaces  nl,en  the formats generated with --make
% UserInterface   nl     the default format used
% == binaries ==
% TeXExecutable      pdfetex  the TeX binary to use
% MpExecutable       mpost    the MetaPost binary to use
% MpToTeXExecutable  mpto     the MetaPost to TeX converter
% DviToMpExecutable  dvitomp  the DVI to MetaPost converter
% == Scripts ==
% DviSpecialScript   dvispec  the DVI special filter script
% == flags ==
% TeXFormatFlag  -fmt= the format introducer
% TeXVirginFlag  -ini  the format generation switch
% == paths ==
% TeXFormatPath   texmf/...               fmt files
% ConTeXtPath     texmf/tex/context/base  sources
% SetupPath       texmf/tex/base/user     cont-sys/usr file
% TeXScriptsPath  texmf/context/perltk    scripts
% TeXFontsPath    texmf                   font files
% MpFormatPath    TeXFormatPath           mem files
% == the main shell setting ==
% As shown below, one can define his/her own sections. We default to
% the teTeX/fpTeX web2c based settings.

set  TeXShell  to  tetex
%set TeXShell  to  fptex
%set TeXShell  to  miktex
%set TeXShell  to  private

% == setting up the variables ==
% Here are some general defaults. They can be overruled later.

set  UseEnginePath      to  false

set  UsedInterfaces     to  en nl metafun mptopdf
set  UserInterface      to  en

set  TeXExecutable      to  tex

set  MpExecutable       to  mpost
set  MpToTeXExecutable  to  mpto
set  DviToMpExecutable  to  dvitomp
set  DviSpecialScript   to  dvispec

set  MpFormat           to  metafun

set  TeXFormatFlag      to  &
set  MpFormatFlag       to  &

% For teTeX the next settings will do.

% -default-translate-file=cp8bit -file-line-error-style

for  tetex  set  TeXHashExecutable to  mktexlsr
for  tetex  set  TeXExecutable     to  pdfetex
for  tetex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  -ini
for  tetex  set  TeXPassString     to  -progname=context
for  tetex  set  TeXBatchFlag      to  -int=batchmode
for  tetex  set  TeXNonStopFlag    to  -int=nonstopmode
for  tetex  set  MpToTeXExecutable to  mpto
for  tetex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  -ini
for  tetex  set  MpPassString      to  -progname=mpost
for  tetex  set  MpBatchFlag       to  -int=batchmode
for  tetex  set  MpNonStopFlag     to  -int=nonstopmode

% These also apply to fpTeX.

% -default-translate-file=cp8bit -file-line-error-style

for  fptex  set  TeXHashExecutable to  mktexlsr
for  fptex  set  TeXExecutable     to  pdfetex
for  fptex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  -ini
for  fptex  set  TeXPassString     to  -progname=context
for  fptex  set  TeXBatchFlag      to  -int=batchmode
for  fptex  set  TeXNonStopFlag    to  -int=nonstopmode
for  fptex  set  MpToTeXExecutable to  mpto
for  fptex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  -ini
for  fptex  set  MpPassString      to  -progname=mpost
for  fptex  set  MpBatchFlag       to  -int=batchmode
for  fptex  set  MpNonStopFlag     to  -int=nonstopmode

% a downward compatibility test (<7.5.3), next year we will use -8bit

for  tetex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  -ini -translate-file=natural.tcx
for  fptex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  -ini -translate-file=natural.tcx
for  tetex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  -ini -translate-file=natural.tcx
for  fptex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  -ini -translate-file=natural.tcx

for  tetex  set  TeXPassString     to  -progname=context 
for  fptex  set  TeXPassString     to  -progname=context 
for  tetex  set  MpPassString      to  -progname=mpost   
for  fptex  set  MpPassString      to  -progname=mpost   

% MikTeX users probably have to set up some paths too.

for  miktex  set  TeXHashExecutable to  initexmf --update-fndb
for  miktex  set  TeXExecutable     to  pdfetex
for  miktex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  --initialize
for  miktex  set  TeXPassString     to  --alias=context 
for  miktex  set  TeXBatchFlag      to  --interaction=batchmode
for  miktex  set  TeXNonStopFlag    to  --interaction=nonstopmode
for  miktex  set  MpToTeXExecutable to  mptotex
for  miktex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  --initialize
for  miktex  set  MpPassString      to  --alias=mpost 
for  miktex  set  MpBatchFlag       to  --interaction=batchmode
for  miktex  set  MpNonStopFlag     to  --interaction=nonstopmode

for  miktex  set  TeXFormatFlag     to  --undump=
for  miktex  set  MpFormatFlag      to  --undump=

% These are the settings used on some machines at PRAGMA ADE that
% don't use the texmf tree. They can serve as an example for local
% settings. Local settings should either be added to the previous
% one, or go without the 'for' directives. Consider these
% settings as an example.

for  private  set  UsedInterfaces  to  en nl
for  private  set  UserInterface   to  nl
for  private  set  ConTeXtPath     to  t:/sources/
for  private  set  SetupPath       to  t:/perl/
for  private  set  TeXScriptsPath  to  t:/perl/

% == read this too ==
% If this file is called 'texexec.rme', copy it to 'texexec.ini',
% check the settings above, change them according to your TeX
% distribution, and say:
%   texexec  --verbose
% When set up properly, you should see your local settings fly by.
% When these settings are ok, the next call should work:
%   texexec  --make
% and you should be able to process a file by saying
%   texexec  filename
% See 'mtexexec.pdf' for more information on the flags you can use with
% 'texexec'. Also make sure you have the 'texutil' script installed in
% the same path as 'texexec'.

% Experimental
% set  TcXPath     to  d:/tex/texmf/web2c
% set  FmtLanguage to  pl
% set  FmtBodyFont to  plr

Charles Doherty,
Early Irish History,
School of History,
John Henry Newman Building,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4

Tel: +353 1 716 8381

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