[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Partial payment of LearnLaTeX invoice (JF-2021-03-06)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Mar 7 09:52:05 CET 2021

On 06/03/2021 23:44, Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Motion:
> That UK TUG pay €2580 on account to partially settle the invoice from Mr
> Jacek for the work done for the LearnLaTeX website as soon as possible
> after 14 March.
> Justification:
> The invoice is for €4840. Both TUG and UK TUG have authorised financial
> support for this work. UK TUG is obliged to pay only its share of the
> invoice.
> Accessibility is central to both the project proposal and to the work
> project proposal said Mr Jacek would do. The committee needs time to assess
> this aspect of the work before it can authorise full payment. A partial
> payment is clearly justified.
> Assuming TUG takes 20% of the financial responsibility, and the
> accessibility work is 33% of the work to be done, a payment on account of
> €2580 results. (This is €4840 *0 .8 * 0.6666 rounded.)
> Note:
> Passing this motion does not preclude passing a further motion authorising
> further payment.
> Deadline:
> Voting and discussion are for 7 whole days, i.e. until 23:59 Sunday 14
> March.
> Proposed:
> Jonathan Fine

ABSTAIN: Joseph Wright

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