[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Partial payment of LearnLaTeX invoice (JF-2021-03-06)

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 00:44:00 CET 2021

That UK TUG pay €2580 on account to partially settle the invoice from Mr
Jacek for the work done for the LearnLaTeX website as soon as possible
after 14 March.

The invoice is for €4840. Both TUG and UK TUG have authorised financial
support for this work. UK TUG is obliged to pay only its share of the

Accessibility is central to both the project proposal and to the work
project proposal said Mr Jacek would do. The committee needs time to assess
this aspect of the work before it can authorise full payment. A partial
payment is clearly justified.

Assuming TUG takes 20% of the financial responsibility, and the
accessibility work is 33% of the work to be done, a payment on account of
€2580 results. (This is €4840 *0 .8 * 0.6666 rounded.)

Passing this motion does not preclude passing a further motion authorising
further payment.

Voting and discussion are for 7 whole days, i.e. until 23:59 Sunday 14

Jonathan Fine
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