[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] LearnLaTeX invoice

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Sat Mar 6 23:45:40 CET 2021


“The committee instructs

> Jon Webley to pay the LearnLaTeX invoice for €4840 from Mr Jacek out of  UKTUG funds as soon as possible after 13th March”


A UKTUG committee motion of 29/05/2020 authorised payment of up to £6000 for developing the LearnLaTeX website. (Not the pedagogical content)

Jonas Jacek contracted to do this work. The site is now operational. The invoice has been circulated to the committee. For identification it is  INVOICE2021-R-106.  It is due to be paid.

Voting and discussion starts now and will continue until the sooner of: 
23:55 March 12th, or the outcome of the vote on the motion is determined.

E.g. if 4 committee members vote "For" on March 7th, the vote is 
quorate, and is a majority FOR. Whatever  votes are or are not cast by 
remaining committee members, the result will be unchanged. The outcome 
has been determined.

Jay Hammond

Email use jay at jjnr.uk

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