[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Officers, Secretary

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 11:18:12 CET 2021


Joseph has done a lot for UK TUG. He's managed our web site and run
training courses, in addition to promptly and efficiently producing minutes
and mailing out DVDs. Despite all this, I intend to vote against his
appointment as our Secretary.

The main reason for this is that his role as liaison or manager or whatever
for the spending of up to half our funds is a conflict of interest with his
role as committee member. As an ordinary member this extraordinary conflict
of interest can be managed. As Secretary it can't be managed.

A second reason is that he's given up on managing our web site. If you go
to http://uk.tug.org/ you'll see that from November 2016 to date there have
been just two posts to our website, one from Joseph and one from me. (My
post was done on his behalf, with the committee's approval.)

A third reason is that the 2020 AGM was in my opinion improperly called.
There was no authorising motion. There was only a discussion between Jay
and Joseph, with two brief comments from Malcolm Clark. I do not regard
this as giving sufficient authority.

Based not on his long history of service to UK TUG, but only on his service
last year and the challenges ahead of us, I intend to vote against his
appointment as Secretary. I am grateful to him for his earlier
contributions, in happier times.

with best regards


On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1:04 AM Jay Hammond <jay at jjnr.uk> wrote:

> I propose Joseph Wright for Secretary to UKTUG committee
> Jay Hammond 08/01/2021
> Please Vote FOR or Against
> discussion and voting for 7 (whole)  days, last time to vote midnight on
> Jan 16th
> REASON: constitution requires committee to appoint secretary &
> treasurer. JW is the only candidate.
> --
> Email use jay at jjnr.uk
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