[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] (JH-20/02/06-21:15) Motion to set Joint membership fees

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Feb 23 15:20:02 CET 2006

Jay Hammond wrote:

> Date sent:      	Sun, 19 Feb 2006 19:39:03 +0000
> From:           	"Jonathan Underwood" <jonathan.underwood at gmail.com>
> To:             	uktug-committee-motions at tug.org
> Copies to:      	
> Subject:        	[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] (JH-20/02/06-20:55) Motion to set Joint membership fees
> [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ] 
> MOTION: That for  2006, the joint membership fee for ordinary members 
> of UKTUG to become joint TUG/UKTUG members be £31. A reduced fee of 
> £17 is payable by retired & student members who give satisfactory 
> evidence of their status.
> Further, that for 2006, people wishing to become joint TUG/UKTUG 
> members, who are not already UKTUG members will pay the sum of the 
> UKTUG membership fee (£10)  and the relevant joint membership fee 
> above.
> PROPOSED: Jay Hammond
Brief reason : Wording is unclear.  The words "joint membership fee"
in the first and penultimate lines should be "additional fee", which
then makes the second para. infinitely easier to understand.
> VOTING CLOSES: 27/02/06 22:00
> Jay Hammond
> homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk
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