[UK-TUG] Successor organisations for the UK TeX Users Group

Dr Nicola L C Talbot n.talbot at uea.ac.uk
Sat Nov 6 19:41:58 CET 2021

> What is your specialist interest in TeX?

My interest is actually quite mixed. I started using LaTeX (2.09) in the 
early 1990s to typeset my PhD thesis and also to typeset fiction. As a 
mathematician doing a PhD in electronic systems engineering my thesis 
was very maths-heavy (algorithms and pages of working stuff out) with a 
lot of diagrams in the results chapter (which I remember being quite 
problematic at the time). As a writer my documents were all prose. When 
I later did a creative writing diploma, I also used LaTeX for poetry.

These days, I mostly use LaTeX to write both non-fiction (with no or 
little maths) and fiction (crime/sf novels and illustrated children's 
fiction) books as well as brochures, flyers, press releases, (postal) 
correspondence etc.

I'm only an honorary lecturer at UEA but I've helped prepare/fix lecture 
slides (beamer), assignment/lab sheets, exam papers etc.

I also create applications that write the LaTeX document source code and 
spawn a LaTeX process. In some cases, a command line application that 
pulls data from XML (which is useful if multiple output formats are 
required). In other cases, a graphical application where the user has to 
supply data using widgets.

I enjoyed the UK-TUG speaker meetings. The talks were interesting and 
the social side (pizza!) was fun. After the pandemic is behind us (which 
will hopefully happen one day), it would be nice to meet up somewhere 
every so often. I know it's a bit tricky finding a location that's 
convenient to everyone. Perhaps break it up into regional sub-groups.

Best regards

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