[UK-TUG] Chair's report 2020/2021

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Sun Oct 31 01:26:29 CEST 2021

Here's the chair's report for 2020/2021.  It's mostly about actions, and 
not much about discussion. I'd like to express an opinion on the 
motions, but that's not part of my role as chair. I've avoided that in 
the report.

I hope the actions tell you about how well UKTUG has been run and what 
it has achieved.  I hope it helps you decide how to vote.

I urge you all to vote before close of voting. Please bear in mind the 
secretary's advice on voting  for no more than two motions.

If you don't want to vote for anything, or against anything, please 
actively abstain.

Thanks Jay Hammond

Email use jay at jjnr.uk
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