[UK-TUG] Special Electronic General Meeting: Final details

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Thu Oct 28 09:12:47 CEST 2021

Dear Member,

Following are full details for the Special Electronic General Meeting.

## Date and Time

The Special Electronic General Meeting concerning dissolution of UK-TUG 
will take place from tomorrow, 2021-10-28 12:00 to 2021-11-05 11:59.

## Motions

As previously notified, six motions were submitted for consideration. 
Motions JH1 and JF3 are substantively the same, and I have agreed that 
JH1 can be withdrawn in favour of JF3. As such, the motions for 
consideration at the meeting are.

HV1. That UK-TUG continue to function, with the proviso that
       (a) the Committee draft an updated Constitution to better reflect
       outcomes achievable by the group, and arranges for the members to
       consider this update as required by the current Constitution;
       (b) the Committee reduce asset holdings in line with part (a),
       donating dormant resources to TUG and DANTE

DS1. That UK-TUG be dissolved, and that its remaining assets be
       transferred in accordance with Clause 5(3)(b) of the Constitution
       in two equal parts to:
       (i) TeX Users Group (TUG), and
       (ii) Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. (DANTE).

JF1. If UK-TUG is dissolved then its surplus assets will be distributed
       in proportion to the individually expressed wishes of members,
       taking into account only those wishes that are consistent with the

JF2. That there be an SGM on the continuation and dissolution of UK TUG
       in the first quarter of 2022.

JF3. That UK-TUG be dissolved.

Notes on motion HW1 were circulated previously.

## Voting

Voting will open at the start of the meeting and run to 2021-11-04 
23:59. This will allow the Committee to finalise and announce the 
outcomes during the last half-day of the meeting.

Votes should be made by indicating FOR/AGAINST/ABSTAIN to each motion. 
These should be submitted to me directly: 
joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk. Votes received before the start of the 
meeting *will not count*. Please submit vote emails separately from any 
other text: this ensures that votes are not missed.

I will not give any details of voting patterns prior to recording the 
total number of votes cast on the last day of the meeting. I will 
however if asked give information on the number of members involved in 
the meeting: this will include those who vote but do not otherwise post 
to the meeting threads.

## Interaction between motions

The Committee note that there is the potential for an ambiguous outcome 
to the meeting should some combinations of motions be passed. The 
Committee therefore suggest that members look at the motions in terms of 
whether to dissolve or not, and if so where funds should be distributed. 
The Committee urge members to vote such that they indicate FOR only such 
motions as lead to a consistent outcome.

## Interpretation of motions for dissolution

If resolution JF3 or DS1 are passed, the Committee will start 
dissolution by invoking part 1 section 5 of the Constitution when the 
vote is passed. The Committee is permitted to fulfil UK-TUG aims from 
within section 5. Properly completing the SGM meeting e.g. after vote 
announcements would be within UK-TUG aims.

## Discussion

To facilitate discussion in an ordered manner, I will open one thread 
per motion on the Announce list at the start of the meeting. I will 
invite the proposer to give a statement in support of the motion. Other 
members should then be allowed to discuss the motion.

Members wishing to open additional threads should agree the topic with 
the Chair. As it may be the case that the Chair is unavailable, please 
do this by emailing the Committee (<uktug-committee at tug.org>), 
addressing your message to the Chair. This will allow another committee 
member to deputise should this be necessary. Once the topic is agreed, I 
will open a thread with appropriate background, and discussion will 
proceed in the same way.

At present posting to the Announce list is open to all members without 
moderation. The Committee hope to continue with this approach. It does 
require that discussion during the SEGM follows the above approach, such 
that the meeting can be chaired effectively.

## Technical queries

These should be directed to me and I will either answer directly or ask 
the Chair to make a statement.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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