[UK-TUG] TeX users in the UK and online payments

Jay Hammond jay at jjnr.uk
Thu Aug 12 18:40:53 CEST 2021

On 12/08/2021 13:39, Dr Nicola L C Talbot wrote:
> Now that it's been disclosed on a publicly accessible post that a 
> particular financial account can't be operated properly or securely 
> and is inaccessible to the treasurer, I strongly advise the committee 
> to close the account asap before it is hijacked and the funds in the 
> linked bank account are cleared.
> Regards
> Nicola Talbot 

Dear Members,

The motion that calls for paypal account closure is still open for votes 
until 17/08/2021 but the outcome is determined, a majority have voted in 
favour already.

In my opinion it's not secure as far as UKTUG is concerned  for only one 
official to be operating a bank account. I feel we need checks. That 
wasn't possible with PayPal when it started.  It still isn't afaik.

Overall the problem is that it's too hard to transact with and manage 
the PayPal account. I do not think it likely that anyone will hijack the 
UKTUG  PayPal account.  I believe closing it on or shortly after  the 
17th is soon enough.  There are other financial risks that I don't 
propose to discuss here. I judge them to be slightly more likely than 
hijacking, and still not very likely at all.

Jay Hammond


Email use jay at jjnr.uk

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