[UK-TUG] TeX users in the UK and online payments

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 16:53:42 CEST 2021

Nicola Talbot wrote:

Now that it's been disclosed on a publicly accessible post that
> a particular financial account can't be operated properly or securely
> and is inaccessible to the treasurer, I strongly advise the committee
> to close the account asap before it is hijacked and the funds in the
> linked bank account are cleared.

If such urgent action is required now, I'd expect that it would have been
taken earlier. Jonathan Webley has been treasurer for almost two years, and
since the 2020 AGM there's been no mention of PayPal on the committee list
until three days ago.

For clarity, it was Joseph Wright presumably acting on behalf of Jay
Hammond who made the disclosure on a publicly accessible place, namely at

By the way, the committee motions list itself was insecure. A non-member of
the committee signed up to the committee-motions list and 'voted' on the
motion. This was possible due to a configuration error which has now been
fixed. The non-member voting was an innocent mistake, and the mailing list
should have blocked their registration.

with best regards

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