[UK-TUG] TeX Hour tomorrow: Learning from Blind Coders (with Jana Schroeder)

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 21:13:55 CEST 2021


There's a TeX Hour tomorrow evening (Thursday 1 April) 6:30 to 7:30pm UK
time. We are privileged to have Jana Schroeder as a special guest.  In
other news, within a few hours videos from past TeX Hours will be up on
YouTube (all the way up to last week). URLs are below.

Last month Jana organised a who-are-we and what-do-we-want and
how-to-get-there meeting which was attended by over 20 blind coders. Jana
has applied for a $25,000 Holman prize to fund her project, called Blind
Coders Blazing Trails.

The draft agenda for tomorrow is
1. Introductions
2. News from Blind Coders, with questions and answers
3. Blind persons as partners for accessible math

Here are some blind coder URLs.
For Jana's Holman Prize pitch (90 seconds) go to
For the Holman Prize go to https://holman.lighthouse-sf.org/.
For Jana's on herself go to
For the blind coders mailing list go to
For the video of Blind Coders meeting (2 hours) go to

Here are the other URLs.
For the time now in the UK go to https://www.google.com/search?q=uk+time.
For the TeX Hour zoom details go to https://jfine2358.github.io/contact/.
The TeX Hour video playlist is at

The TeX Hour has a monthly cycle for its topics.

First Thursday: Beginners
Second Thursday: Accessibility
Third Thursday: Conversion (eg LaTeX to PDF, LaTeX to HTML, markdown to
Fourth Thursday: Durable Documents (same outputs give same input across
space and time)
Fifth Thursday: Experiments and Exploration.

Finally, Jana and all other Holman Prize applicants have our best wishes.

with best regards

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