[UK-TUG] TeX Office Hour tonight, Multi-Author Docs, Blind Math News

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 15:44:30 CET 2021

Dear UK TUG Member

First of all, there's another TeX Office Hour tonight 6:30 to 7:30pm UK
time. (This message was sent at about 2:45pm UK time).  You'll find the
zoom URL on both of these new posts to my blog.

Summary: We look at some recent posts on the Blind Math mailing list. My
main conclusion as a TeX developer is that many on that list prefer
accessible HTML to accessible PDF. This is something that TeX developers
need to be aware of.

Summary: This post is about how TeX might help some small niche use cases.
We study one example, and suggest how it might scale to others. The scaling
depends on non-TeX software and systems, such as web frameworks, and server
/ cloud computing.

The Multi Author Docs post arose from a discussion with Gernot Salzer at an
earlier TeX Office Hour. I'm most grateful to Gernot for the discussion and
his subsequent help.

with best regards and happy TeXing

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