[UK-TUG] Discussion of AGM motions and Business

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 18:47:58 CET 2020


This is to reinforce Jay's AGM message. So far only 6 people have posted to
this forum, 3 of whom are committee members. Both Jay and I would very much
like to hear more from ordinary members.

If you've not posted before please post whatever you like, so long as it's
TeX-related. After all, Any Other Business is part of the agenda of any
AGM, and you're a UK TeX user. The AGM is for you.

Like Jay, I'd like members to consider joining the committee. The new
committee is likely to prepare proposals on the future / dissolution of UK
TUG, to be presented to a special general meeting. So this is important
work that will affect all of us.

To join the committee, you must email the secretary and get a proposer
before the AGM. I'm willing to propose any member. This must be done by the
AGM itself, which is on Wednesday 9 December at 11:00am.

Please don't worry about not having enough to give. The Secretary's said
there's been no significant activity last year (except administration).
Every little will help. There's no limit on the number of committee members.

I've created a special zoom office hour, so you can find out more. It takes
place on Tuesday 8 December, 6:30 to 7:30pm. That's the day before the AGM.
Here's the zoom link.


Meeting ID: 710 4851 0429
Passcode: pre-agm

Finally, please if you wish to email secretary at uk.tug.org to ask to join
the committee and ask him (or me or any other member) to be your proposer.
And do this before the AGM on Wednesday 9 December at 11:00am. This may be
your last chance to join the committee.

with best wishes

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