[UK-TUG] UK-TUG Speaker Meeting 2017

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sat Oct 7 10:18:08 CEST 2017

Dear UK-TUG Member,

The Committee are very happy to announce that the 2017 UK-TUG Speaker
Meeting will take place on 4th November in the Fletcher Room, Trinity
College, Oxford. The day is scheduled to begin at around 10:00 and to
run until around 16:00. The UK-TUG AGM will take place as part of the
day: see the separate notice.

Talks on TeX-related are invited: talk times are flexible. The exact
schedule is normally agreed by delegates/speakers on the day, but it is
useful to have an outline of prospective talk titles and timings in advance.

Attendance at the meeting is free for members of UK-TUG. The Committee
will provide lunch as part of the day: please let us know if you will be
attending to plan for this.

Joseph Wright
Secretary, UK-TUG

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