[UK-TUG] First notice of speaker meeting

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Jun 11 23:02:19 CEST 2012

Dear Member,

The annual UK-TUG speaker meeting will take place on Saturday 20th
October in central Oxford. Attendance will as usual be free for UK-TUG
members and a sandwich lunch will be available. The event typically runs
from around 10 am to 5 pm: the full schedule is still being arranged.

The committee hopes to have a varied programme of talks and discussion
on the day. We are therefore looking for speakers for talks of any
length. The day will be very informal, and there is always a flexible
schedule, so 'new' speakers should not feel intimidated.

At the same time, it is very useful for us to have some idea of numbers,
so we can plan the catering and venue capacity. It would therefore be
very welcome if members would let the committee know if they are
planning to attend.

The UK-TUG Annual General Meeting will also take place as part of the
day's events: a formal notice will be circulated to members closer to
the time.

Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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