[UK-TUG] LaTeX for Beginners course, London, 23rd July 2012

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun May 27 22:37:03 CEST 2012

On 27/05/2012 21:27, Joseph Wright wrote:
> Hello,
> The UK TeX Users' Group (UK-TUG) will be arranging a presentation of the
> very popular course 'LaTeX for Beginners: Using LaTeX to Write a Thesis'
> early next year.

Of course, this should have said 'in the summer'.


Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright          Tel.   01604 810094
Morning Star           Mobile 07974 148180
2 Dowthorpe End        Skype  josephawright
Earls Barton
Northants NN6 0NH

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