[UK-TUG] SEGM financial oversight motion 4

Jay Hammond homemade at talktalk.net
Sun Dec 4 16:58:55 CET 2011

Thank you for the clarification Joseph,

As I read the chair's clarification, it's not permitted to put a new 
motion to the discussion. The reasons make sense to me.

What about amendments? Briefly, they are not democratic if they 
reject the original motion. 

I desire some financial oversight and the only tool on offer is 
motion 4 or some slight variant.

So I'll have to vote for that.

If you want to know in more detail why I have abandoned my proposal,  
see on.

The same sorts of arguments apply  about General Meetings being clear 
in advance about what they are voting for 

I don't really feel very happy about amending motion 4 in a way that 
completely replaces the kind of oversight original motion 4  proposes 
because holders of proxy votes - primarily the chair - can't be clear 
what a vote for motion 4 means. Does it means support the original 
motion 4 or support the amended version or both in turn if  the 
motion changes?

Some meetings have rules that forbid amendments from completely 
reversing the motion to which they refer. 

So I can't reasonably amend motion 4.to use my proposal.

I desire some financial oversight and the only tool on offer is 
motion 4 or some slight variant.

So I'll have to vote for that.

Jay Hammond

homemade at talktalk.net

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