[UK-TUG] AGM Reports and Motions

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Oct 9 19:07:38 CEST 2011

Dear Member,

As previously notified, the UK-TUG AGM will take place at 2 pm on the
22nd of October 2011 in the Sutro Room at Trinity College, Oxford.


 1. Apologies for absence
 2. Minutes of the last meeting
 3. TeX Gyre Funding Report
 4. Secretary's Report
 5. Accounts and Treasurer's Report
 6. Motions
 7. Election of committee for 2011-12
 8. Any other business

Minutes of the last meeting

The draft minutes for the 2010 AGM are attached. Members who were
present last year but will not be present at the upcoming AGM may vote
electronically to on the minutes. To do so, please reply to this e-mail
indicating whether you accept the minutes as an accurate record.


Attached are:
 - The Secretary's report
 - The Treasurer's report
 - UK-TUG accounts for 2010-11
 - A report on progress of the TeX Gyre Project, for which UK-TUG
   has provided some funding

As is indicated in the Agenda, there will be the opportunity to discuss
all of these at the AGM.


The following motions have been received for consideration at the meeting.

1) That this meeting approves the accounts for 2010–11.

2) That the membership fee for 2011 be £10 for all individual members
   (apart from life members), and that there be no additional entrance

3) That Section 24.3 of the Constitution be deleted, and replaced it
   with by:

     24.3 The accounts for each financial year shall be presented to the
          Annual General Meeting immediately following the end of that
          financial year.

Full notes on the background to Motion (3) are attached.

Proxy Voting

Members may vote by proxy for one or more of the motions to the AGM. To
do so, please reply to this e-mail (to the Secretary, Joseph Wright),
using the following text to indicate your choice of proxy, and if
appropriate voting intention.

  I appoint the Chair / ... (named person) as my proxy for the UK-TUG
  2011 AGM. (Please delete as appropriate.)

  I direct the Chair to vote in the following manner:

As notified earlier, you may still vote in person if you have indicated
a proxy vote, which will then be disregarded.

Members not present

In addition to the above, if you will not be present at the AGM but wish
for a particular issue to be raised, please reply to this message with
the detail.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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