[UK-TUG] Consultancy opportunity

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Wed Aug 17 13:29:41 CEST 2011

Dear Member,

The committee has been contacted by a major UK-based technical journal
publisher looking to improve their workflow for TeX-based authors. As
part of this process, the publisher is looking to engage a consultant to
advise them on a number of aspects of the 'author experience' for TeX

The full detail of the consultancy will be agreed between the publisher
and the consultant. At this stage, it seems that it may involve
reviewing existing material, working with other TeX service providers to
specify improved TeX support and modifying LaTeX classes and templates
to make them more focussed on the needs of users.

The publisher is keen to engage a consultant in the very near future.
Any members interested in the opportunity should reply to this e-mail.
The committee will then be able to pass their details to the publisher.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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