[UK-TUG] Mailing: TeX Live DVD, Baskerville and membership form for 2011

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Wed Dec 29 22:49:04 CET 2010

Dear member,

Just before Christmas, the committee received UK-TUG's batch of TeX Live 
2010 DVDs. We are preparing to send these out to members next week, 
along with the latest edition of Baskerville. Baskerville will also 
appear on-line on the UK-TUG website (http://uk.utg.org) at about the 
same time.

The recent SEGM vote to reinstate a membership fee also means that the 
mailing will include a membership form for 2011. The fee for the 
upcoming year is £10 for membership of UK-TUG, with joint membership 
with TUG also available for a total of £50. Fees are usually paid by 
cheque: please contact me directly to discuss alternative payment routes 
if sending a cheque is problematic.

Some members will doubtless be eager to renew in the very near future, 
and so I have attached an electronic version of the membership form to 
this e-mail.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary
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