[UK-TUG] Mailings: Baskerville and TeX Live 2009 DVD

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Jan 4 18:42:18 CET 2010

Dear Member,

The Committee have taken delivery of TeX Live 2009 DVDs, and at the same 
time a second issue of Baskerville is being prepared for release. We 
intend to post both the DVD and Baskerville to members in a single 
mailing later this month.

If you want to receive both the DVD and Baskerville, you do not need to 
do anything. We will send both items to all members unless they have 
opted out.

If you do want to opt-out of part of the mailing, choose one of the 
following options and send a reply to this e-mail:

   a) Don't send any mailing at all
   b) Send the TeX Live 2009 DVD only
   c) Send Baskerville only
   d) Send both Baskerville and the DVD (the default)

Baskerville will be available on-line via the UK-TUG website 
(http://uk.tug.org/) at the same time as the printed version is posted.

Joseph Wright
Membership Secretary

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