Fwd: LUG-boards: BachoTeX 2009 -- call for papers

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Thu Jan 29 09:01:37 CET 2009

                 BachoTeX 2009 -- Call for Papers

Dear TeXies, TeX friends and lovers of fine typography --

This is an invitation to BachoTeX 2009, the XVIIth Polish TeX Users
Group Conference.

As usual, it will be held at the traditional TeXies' and GUST meeting
place, Bachotek near Brodnica, in the north-east of Poland, from
April 29 until May 3, 2009 inclusive.

We are again trying to get a glimpse of the future, whence the
conference title:

    "TeX: at a turning point, or at the crossroads?"

The community is putting a lot of effort and thought into possible
strategies for promoting and developing TeX and related products for
the foreseeable future, including :

* TeX, and TeX-based engines
* enhanced graphics engines
* new or improved macro packages
* user interfaces
* new fonts

Work progresses in many different directions, and thus there is
clearly hope for an ever better future, even though the more
pessimistic may wonder whether TeX represents an evolutionary dead-end.

In this context the feedback between users and developers of new
tools and engines is immensely important -- it might decide whether
within a few years we will be looking back at today as a successful
turning point or as a bad decision at the crossroads of TeX's history.

Some say that they have never believed that conference themes/mottos
have any impact on submissions anyway. We, the Program Committee,
think otherwise; please help us to prove our point !  Although we do
not restrict what your presentations should be about, we would be
more than happy if your contribution will be user-centric and
oriented towards the future of TeX with special emphasis on the
needs, hopes and dangers.

Proposals (abstracts) should be e-mailed to the Program Committee,
which listens at the address of papers-2009 at gust dot org dot pl.
Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski is the appointed chairman. Also, please note
the ``Call for TeX Pearls'' below.

Especially welcome are proposals for TeX-related tutorials or
introductions. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops by
others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us know.

The deadline for abstracts and other proposals is the March 8th.  The
deadline for final papers will soon be published at the conference
web site:


                         Recovery from stress

Exhausted TeXies will get a chance to recover their intellectual
powers during nightly musical sessions, usually at a bonfire.
Participate by bringing your own instruments (and voices) ! Nature
fans will have the opportunity to enjoy the unspoiled features of the
Bachotek lake and surrounding woods :


The conference could also be a family event -- the conference
site is an enclosed area with a safe and attractive playing
ground for children and parents alike :



Please make the most of the opportunity !

                           Call for TeX Pearls

We are continuing the tradition of "The Pearls of TeX Programming".
Here, briefly, is what is wanted:

   * short TeX, MF or MP macro(s)
   * results must be useful, and the solution not obvious
   * easy to explain :  10 minutes at most

If you have something that fits the bill, please consider submitting
a proposal. If you know of somebody's work that does the same, please
let us know, and we will contact that person.  Other details and
previously collected Pearls can be found at


The email address is: pearls at gust dot org dot pl

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