UK TUG AGM, 22 October - Agenda, Motions and Voting

uktug-announce at uktug-announce at
Sun Oct 14 21:02:10 CEST 2007

Dear UK TUG Member

Attached are the Minutes of the 2006 AGM.  Listed below are the three
motions for the 2007 AGM, all moved by our Treasurer, David Saunders.

If you wish to vote by email on any of these motions then please send an
email to mailto:J.Fine at to arrive by 10am on Monday 22nd
October stating your name and how you vote on each motion.

The easiest way to do this is to reply to this message, and ensure that
the 'To' address is correct.

1. That this meeting approves the accounts for 2006-7.

Motion 1: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

2. That this meeting appoints Paul Chu of 73 Zetland Street, London, E14
6PR to inspect the 2007-8 accounts.

Motion 2: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':

3. That for 2008 the fee for ordinary membership of UK-TUG shall be
zero, whereas the entrance fee for new members shall be 10 pounds.

Motion 3: Write 'For', 'Against' or 'Abstain':


1.  Apologies

2.  Minutes of 2006 AGM

3.  Reports
a)  Chair's report (including acting Secretary)
b)  Treasurer's report
c)  Membership Secretary's report
d)  Webmaster's report

4.  Motions (as listed above)

5.  Election of Committee members

6.  Any Other Business

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